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Product Description Worksheet
The easy way to make your products sell better

What is a product description?

This is the written blurb that describes your item in the catalog. An effective description consists of a picture of your product, plus a narrative, and a list of product features and technical specifications.

It takes two steps to create your product description.

The first step is to compile all the facts and information about the product. Since the product is your creation, it stands to reason that you know more about it than anyone else. This is why you are the best person to describe your product. So your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to compile all the factual information. This worksheet is designed to help you give lots of facts.

The second step is to assemble the material into a compelling selling document. Since I have marketing, copywriting, and graphic design experience, the second step is my responsibility.

Easy Instructions
Fill in the handy form. You don't have to answer every question. Just pick and choose the ones you want and skip the rest. Tab Key helps you navigate.

The more you say about your product, the better. You don't need a degree in English. Don't worry about spelling. The important thing is to give lots and lots of facts and information.
Only a small fraction of your information might appear in the final ad copy. But that's okay—because with enough factual data, you enable us to hand-pick the absolute best material to make your product
Do you have to fill in this form to get your product listed in the catalog? No. But completing the worksheet gives your product the best chance for success.

If you want to get this done quick and dirty just fill out as much of the worksheet as you can handle, then get back to your life.

However, if you are meticulous and persnickety (like some of us), then click the Continue button below to browse through each section of the worksheet so you can prepare your information in advance. Next, type your responses into your favorite text editor. Gather any photos and documents you want to upload and place this material into a handy folder so it's all in one place. When everything is ready, just come back and copy and paste the text into the worksheet and you are good to go.
© 2006, 2007, 2008
Bone Dry Musical Instrument Co.
Saint Louis, MO 63118
314-772-1610 (Warning: Two screaming kidz in the background)