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The Early Minstrel Banjo
Technique and repertoire by Joseph Weidlich
How to play the minstrel banjo from minstrel players who were part of various 1865 troupes.
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Product Code: 109-325

Product Specs
The Early Minstrel Banjo
Technique and Repertoire by Joseph Weidlich

The aim of this book is to share with you the earliest repertoire for the 5-string banjo.

A brief historical sketch leading up to the conception of the minstrel show is presented, as well as an overview of the idiomatic "banjo style" techniques which were being developed at that time. Also included is useful information on arranging techniques based on comparing versions of minstrel songs contained in these banjo method books published between 1851 and 1865:
  • The complete Preceptor for the Banjo (1851), by Gumbo Chaff (aka Elias Howe)
  • Briggs' Banjo Instructor (1855), by Thomas Briggs
  • Correct Method for the Banjo (1858), by Phil Rice
  • Howe's New American Banjo School (1857, abridged ed., 1859), by Elias Howe
  • Buckley's New Banjo Book (1860?), by James Buckley
  • Banjo Instructor, Without A Master (1865), by Frank B. Converse
  • New and Complete Method for the Banjo With or Without A Master (1865), by Frank B. Converse
How to play the minstrel banjo from minstrel players who were part of various 1865 troupes.

Minstrel Banjo history through 1865.

How to arrange songs for Minstrel Banjo.

Contains over 65 tunes with tablature only (no lyrics).

A Short History of the Banjo in the United States to 1865
Summary of Idiomatic Minstrel Banjo Techniques
Gumbo Chaff's Complete Preceptor for the Banjo
Thomas Briggs' Banjo Instructor
Phil. Rice's Correct Method for the Banjo With or Without a Master
Abridged Ne Edition of [Elias] Howe's New American Banjo School
James Buckley's New Banjo Book
Frank Converse's Banjo Instructor, Without a Master
Frank Converse's New and Complete Method for the Banjo With or Without a Master
Minstrel Banjo Arranging 101

Minstrel Banjo Repertoire Selections: Song List

Appendix I
Minstrel Song Cross Reference Index, 1851-1865

Appendix II
1. Information on the American Banjo Society.
2. Strings.
3. The standard of Pitch.
4. The Virginia Reels of George P. Knauff.
5. New Information on James Buckley's New Banjo Book.

Tunes (tablature only, no lyrics)
Arkansas Traveler (Buckley)
Arkansas Traveler (Converse)
Bee Gum Reel/Rural Walk Around (Converse)
Blue Eagle Jail (Converse)
Boston Jig/Foster's Jig (Converse)
Briggs' Breakdown (Briggs)
Brighton Jig/Brighton (Converse)
Buckley's Banjo Jig (Rice)
Buckley's Best Reel (Rice)
Buckley's Jig (Buckley)
Buckley's Walk Around (Rice)
Bully for You (Converse)
Charley is My Darling (Converse)
Circus Jig
Come Day, Go Day (Rice)
Cuckoo, The (Converse)
Cum Plum Gum Jig (Converse)
Darkey Fisher's Hornpipe (Briggs)
De Old Jawbone

Essence of old Virginia Dance (Buckely)
Gumbo Chaff
Get away Gumbo, sound your horn (Rice)
Gettin Up Stairs (Rice)

Git Up in de Mornin
' (Rice)
Go way, Jenny (Rice)
Gone to Alabama
Grape Vine Twist (Rice)
Gwine to de Mill
Hi! ho! de Charleston gals (Rice)
I Seen Her at the Window
Irish Jig (Converse)
Joe Sweeney's Jig (Buckley)
John Diamond Walk Around (Rice)

Kick Up de Debble on a Holiday (Briggs)
Lion Jig, The/Beacon Jig [medley] (Converse)
Louisiana Bell
Lynchburg Town (Converse)

Mary Blane (Briggs)
Mr. Brown (Rice)
Money Musk Reel (Buckley)
My Love is but a Lassie/Odd Fellows March (Converse)
Oh Susanna (Converse)
Old Gander, The (Rice)
Old Virginny Jig (Rice)
Parker's Jig (Buckley)
Phil Rice's Excelsior Jig (Rice)

  • Large Format: Big 9" by 12" pages make tablature easy to see.
  • Includes Performance Notes and Transcriptions: Makes banjo technique easier to learn.
  • Packed with over 65 Minstrel Tunes: Great tunes, many still popular today.
  • Illustrated: Vintage illustrations throughout.

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